I was able to get it to work by adding a listener for "click" but I 
don't understand why I had to do that.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what was going on? 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "jack_freud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm still pretty new to making components. Basically this one is 
> an image that navigates to a URL in HTML-land, except that I want to
> make it so you can set its text and URL as properties of the
> component. Seems to be utterly simple.
> But I can't get it to hear the click event...
> It extends VBox and contains a label. It has a member variable of a
> URL and a click event so that clicking on the box (or the label)
> should navigate to that url.  
> "click" does not show up in the auto-complete, but I get no errors
> when I implement it, and I see click there in the class hierarchy.
> But nothing happens. Breakpoints don't stop, nothing happens.
> What's got me puzzled is that in the mxml where I used this 
> if I put code for the click event, it works flawlessly. Of course I
> could leave it there in the app, but naturally I'd prefer to
> encapsulate it so it has its own data and behaviors like any good
> little object.
> Is there something obvious I don't know?
> Thanks,
> Jack

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