have you tried alex's distortion effects? there are a
lot of great flips you can implement from the samples
alone. although im not sure if you will run into
performance issues once you deal with several
movieclips. Any insight on that guys?

--- thibs73 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am trying to convert some AS2 code to AS3 with
> some difficulty... 
> What I am trying to do is flip all nested MovieClips
> in a loaded SWF….
> I loaded a swf with SwfLoader, casted it as a
> MovieClip. I am now 
> trying to loop thru the loaded SWF to flip all movie
> clips…
> I've done this before in AS2 like this:
> for (var i in targetClip) {
>       if (typeof targetClip[i] == "movieclip"){
>       targetClip[i].scaleX = targetClip[i].scaleX *
> -1   
>       }
> }
> What properties of the SWF or MovieClip Object
> should I target for my 
> loop. Or am I way off base?
> Any help, would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.

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