Thank you for the URLs.  I'll see what I can or can't do then post 
back with an update.

Thanks again!


--- In, "greg h" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mark,
> I have had success making calls to my AS3 SWFs  compiled in Flash
> using the Flash
> Professional 9 ActionScript 3.0
> Preview<>
> .
> The "Flash Professional 9 ActionScript 3.0 Preview" has been 
public for over
> 8 months.  I say shame on Adobe for publishing nothing on how to 
> Flash authored AS3 SWFs into Flex 2 apps.  Nothing.
> But huge thanks to Jesse Warden.  If you have not already, please 
review the
> following 2 posts by Jesse on the topic.  Note:  the first link 
> downloadable code.  It has been a few weeks since I was in either 
Jesse or
> my code.  I do recall that in the first article Jesse documented a 
> requirements that I had not seen elsewhere and likely never would 
> guessed.
> Flash 9 Button in Flex 2, August 27, 2006
> Integrating a Flash Interface into Flex 2, December 17, 2006
> If you are still unable to accomplish what you need to after 
> Jesse's posts, please post back and I will go into the code and 
see if I can
> provide you a walkthrough.
> Of course, please also post back if you do succeed in getting your 
> authored AS3 SWFs working in Flex 2.
>              hth,
>              g
> On 3/3/07, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to load a flash 9 SWF into Flex with some luck.  I can
> > get it in there with SWFLoader but now how can I use something 
> > the Flash Library… or can I?
> >
> > I get this error when I run the code below "ReferenceError: Error
> > #1065: Variable Radar is not defined."  But when I "Dismiss All"
> > then click the button in the app it will move the radar movieClip
> > that sits on the Flash Stage.  I'm confused as to what this 
error is.
> >
> > For the library item - If it was being done in Flash, I'd use
> > attachMovie () like:
> >
> > var cPoint:MovieClip = circle.attachMovie(pointer, 'point' +
> > counter, 0 + counter, {_x:centerX + x, _y:centerY + y, 
> >
> > which would place the item on the stage as many times as I need 
> > depending on the number of nodes from my XML.  Is there a way to 
> > this in Flex using my loaded SWF?
> >
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> > layout="absolute" creationComplete="init(event)">
> > <mx:Script>
> >         <![CDATA[
> >                 import*;
> >                 import;
> >                 import mx.controls.SWFLoader;
> >                 import mx.utils.ObjectUtil;
> >                 [Bindable]
> >                 private var loaded:Boolean = false;
> >                 private var swfContent:MovieClip;
> >                 private var myLoader:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader();
> >
> >                 private function init(e:Event):void{
> >             myLoader.showBusyCursor = true;
> >             myLoader.addEventListener
> > (Event.INIT,loadHandler);
> >             this.addChild(myLoader);
> >             myLoader.y = 25;
> >             myLoader.x = 25;
> >             myLoader.load("Flash/radarFlexNoScript.swf");
> >         }
> >                 private function loadHandler(e:Event):void{
> >             loaded = true;
> >             swfContent =;
> >         }
> >
> >                 private function setRadar ():void {
> >                         //swfContent.getChildByName('radar').x = 
> >                         swfContent.radar.y += 20;
> >                         //swfContent.addChild('myPoint');
> >                 }
> >
> >
> >         ]]>
> > </mx:Script>
> > <mx:Button click="setRadar()" label="Set Something" />
> > </mx:Application>
> >

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