You certainly know the charting components BarSeries or
ColumnSeries.... They are great, if you need exactly this kind of
view. But I am currently in a bit of a problem, because I need a
column-/bar component which only is able to show ONE bar or column for
a series of data.
You probably say: 'Easy thing!' - just use bar-/columnseries with type
set to 100% and you will get only one bar with all data... but in
fact, you also get the cartesian chart around it, which annoys me. I
just want to have one simple Bar/Column which is able to show me
different values (Type 100%) without anything. I tried already to use
the "IBar" Interface, but no luck. 
Someone told me I have to have a look in the of FDS (1.0)?
for an example 'Sector' but have not found it....

Any help or hint is really appreciated...

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