I have tried...

Remeber FLex Builder is in 2.0 actual 1.0. There are a lot of rough spots
and design view is far from perfect.

There is no way to subclasss for stuff and keep the tricks going.

This is hardcoded into FlexBuilders code.

Would like to learn how to extend it though.

Peace, MIke

On 13 Mar 2007 04:26:19 -0700, Sean Sell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  To the adobe developers,

I have found that I can extend the simpler display classes without much
issue, I have really only had issues with sub-classing the Form based
components. For our project (and probably many Flex projects) the form
concept is a strong one and the ability for designers to layout input
screens very quickly with Form,  FormItem and FormHeader is fantastic. I
want to extend these classes primarily to preserve the integration with Flex
Builder. Maybe trying to make these classes infinitely extensible is the
incorrect approach. Maybe a tool that would allow me to integrate my
components more tightly in Flex Builder would be a better solution.

Specifically when someone drags an NForm on the page I want flex builder
to automatically wrap other components in an NFormItem etc.


----- Original Message ----
From: Michael Schmalle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 6:42:00 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Are other developers hesitant to extend
existing classes in Flex?

 > However, the indicator is added as a child to rawChildren, which is
public. This means you could reach it without problems.

No, that is not true. You know why? They didn't name it! That should be a
requirement of all composites Aodbe people.

You need to name every instance, this way if us devs do want access to it
we can get it.

EECOLOR, as far as the indicator, you would have to call getStyle(),
create the class instance, loop through all the rawChildren and do an is
comparison. This is just to get a reference, it sucks.

But, Is possible through that hack, I haven't tried it though.

Peace, Mike

On 13 Mar 2007 03:10:38 -0700, EECOLOR < [EMAIL PROTECTED] com<[EMAIL 
>   I ran into the same problem when i wanted to align the label to the
> left. However, i found that there is a reference to the label in the
> mx_internal namespace.
>   override protected function updateDisplayList( unscaledWidth: Number,
> unscaledHeight: Number):void
>   {
>    super.updateDisplay List(unscaledWid th, unscaledHeight) ;
>    var labelAlign_str: String = getStyle("labelAlign");
>    if (labelAlign_ str == "left" && label.length)
>    {
>     var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetricsAndPaddi ng;
>     var labelObject: UIComponent = mx_internal: :labelObject as
> UIComponent;
>      labelObject. move(vm.left, labelObject. y);
>    };
>   };
> This however does not work for you, since there is no equivalant for the
> indicator. However, the indicator is added as a child to rawChildren, which
> is public. This means you could reach it without problems.
> Greetz Erik
> On 3/12/07, Sean Sell <rough68fish@ yahoo.com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
> wrote:
> >
> >    Alex,
> >
> > I understand exactly what you mean about testing requirements for
> > public method and I can really only speak to the FormItem class, but here's
> > my experience.. .
> >
> > The first thing I wanted to do was change where the required field
> > asterisk is displayed; and put it in front of the label. No big deal right.
> > To do it all I need to do is override updateDisplayList
> > and move:
> >
> > // Position the "required" indicator.
> >             displayIndicator( left, y);
> >             left += indicatorGap;
> >
> > above
> >
> > // Position our label.
> >             if (labelObj)
> >             {...
> >
> > But there are calls to about 16 private methods or values within this
> > function which I would have to re-write to make this work. Ironically I
> > think all of those would work as written if I could just call them.
> >
> > --Sean
> >
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