
I'm getting XML from an HTTPService call (and/or a WebService call, I 
don't think this matters). I want to take this XML and put it into my 
AS3 objects (ValueObjects using Cairngorm terminology).

I'm currently using Darron Schall's ObjectTranslator, which is great but 
doesn't work for rich object graphs.

Are there any tools for making this XML->AS3 object translation easier? 
I have a bunch of Java Beans and an XSD that describe my types. Maybe 
there's a tool to generate AS3 objects from an XSD (and generate the 
code necessary to translate XML into the object).

If there's nothing out there, I think I'll try and take Darron Schall's 
ObjectTranslator and make it work for more general cases... Although I'm 
pretty new to AS3 so I'm not sure how far I would get.


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