HTML/CSS support in Flash/Flex has always been limited.  We're just not
a browser.


You can style anchor tags, but not in editable controls.


If you don't need editability, use Text instead of RichTextEditor and
set htmlText and a styleSheet (not styleName).   Try to follow the
example in the doc for flash.text.TextField.htmlText.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of carl_steinhilber
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:02 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Can't I style an anchor in a RichTextEditor??


I've tried various techniques that I picked up on the web, but can't
seem to apply a style specifically to the anchor links in a

Basically, I want a style like:
.myRTETextAreaStyle A {
but I'm not having much luck.

I tried setting
in creationComplete.

I tried creating a stylesheet on the fly using the StyleSheet object,
CSSStyleDeclaration, and the StyleManager.

I (first) tried simply declaring the style in an mx:Style block.

Nothing seems to work.

And for the life of my I can't understand why the RTE doesn't do it by
default out of the box. Under what earthly circumstance would NOT
differenciating a link from the rest of the text in an RTE be
intuitive?? Ah well... c'est l'vie.

Anyone know how to make it work after the fact?

Thanks in advance!


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