HI John,

First let me say that the CF extensions are not required to use Flex & CF
Secondly, I am not a Mac user so all I can do is show you code on how to use
Flex & Cf together. I will write a tutorial and send it to you later today.

On 3/21/07, John Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hi Clint,
I was wondering if I can ask for help too.
I am also a CF guy, but for the life of me I can't seem to figure out how
to integrate ColdFusion (with MySQL) and Flex together.
I have read the the CF extension makes this easy in flex builder, which I
hope then when I get it tomorrow this becomes true.I use the Mac,and I
have tried in the past with help from this list to get ColdFusion & Flex to
talk to each other, but was not able to. I found out in the past that the CF
extensions are not included in the mac version of flex builder, but I hope
that it is now.

I have a relaxed school schedule this term, and I thought that I would try

I was wondering if you could offer a flex newbie some thought on this.
Thanks so much,

----- Original Message ----
From: Clint Tredway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 4:13:28 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] first impressions

 Honestly, to get started you dont need to know OO. You need to understand
how Flex works. Its event based. Your code needs to respond to events that
are triggered, ie button clicks, results being returned from the server,

I would be happy to help you get going as I use Flex/CF/SQL Server

On 20 Mar 2007 18:50:54 -0700, Chad Gray < [EMAIL PROTECTED] com<[EMAIL 
>   Im a CF guy and mainly a spaghetti coding CF guy. CF gave me, the "non
> OO guy", the ability to write very complex programs that manipulated data in
> very complex ways since SQL is an easy language to learn and everything was
> very linear. Now my applications are hard to maintain, but easy to read and
> follows such a simple logic that any <html> guy could probably understand.
> They also deliver what the customer wants, and delivering what the customer
> wants is of course the number one objective.
> I step into Flex and the demo's make it look easy, but I try to start
> writing my own apps in flex and I am lost.
> Nothing is familiar like it is in CF where things start at the top of
> the page and work their way down then lead from point A to B.
> Maybe it is an old dog learning new tricks syndrome....
> Can someone link me to good training on OO? I think this is the place
> that I need help. I need the basic... super basic lead into OO. Should I
> concentrate on java based training?

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