I think there are issues with resources in loaded apps.  The apps can
end up looking at the main app for their resources instead of their own



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Nick Durnell
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 4:08 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Help - Flex application no longer works!


Thanks for your help Alex.

First of all, I tried adding a DateFormatter to a class which is shared 
by all my applications and it worked! So as you say this suggests a 
linker dependency issue but I have no idea where the issue suddenly 
came from.

I have not experimented with RSLs, modules or library projects (yet) so 
all of the application SWFs in my project should include everything 
they need and not depend on anything else.

My project is structured as follows (I've simplified the names to make 
things easier to explain):

- Source Path Folder 1 (some common code I wrote)
- Source Path Folder 2 (some common code from 3rd parties)
- Main.mxml
- App1.mxml
- App4.mxml

The App1..App4 applications are loaded in SWFLoaders by the Main app 
when they are needed. They all make use of many classes in the source 
path folders. My DateRenderer, which uses the DateFormatter, lives 
beneath Source Path Folder 1 and is used by App4.mxml. It is when 
App4.mxml is loaded at runtime that I get the resource bundle error.

As suggested I created a link report for App4.mxml (when it wasn't 
working). I've not looked at link reports before but it contains the 
following section which suggests (to me) that DateFormatter and its 
resource bundles *should* be linked in:

<script name="C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 2\Flex SDK 2
mod="1159976667000" size="4167">
<def id="mx.formatters:DateFormatter" /> 
<pre id="mx.formatters:Formatter" /> 
<dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" /> 
<dep id="mx.formatters:DateBase" /> 
<dep id="mx.resources:ResourceBundle" /> 
<dep id="Date" /> 
<dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" /> 
<dep id="AS3" /> 
<dep id="Math" /> 
<dep id="mx.formatters:StringFormatter" /> 
<dep id="SharedResources_properties" /> 

Then a bit further down it shows my DateRenderer with DateFormatter as 
a dependency:

<script name="C:\Dev\Flex\CommonCode1
\util\renderers\DateRenderer.mxml" mod="1174410196890" size="2000">
<def id="util.renderers:DateRenderer" /> 
<pre id="mx.controls:Label" /> 
<dep id="mx.formatters:DateFormatter" /> 
<dep id="Date" /> 
<dep id="mx.events:FlexEvent" /> 
<dep id="AS3" /> 

Is this wrong somehow? When a dummy DateFormatter is added to the 
common class then the link report for App4.mxml contains a second 
<script> section which lists DateFormatter as a dependency.

Any ideas? I've even tried reinstalling Flex Builder and recreating 
the project but I still get the same error! This is so frustrating 
because everything worked fine up until yesterday lunchtime...



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Add a DateFormatter to the main app. If that solves the problem then
> you have a linker dependency issue. If you are using modules, rsls or
> otherwise using -extern options you might be excluding the locale data
> somehow. -link-report is helpful in these situations.


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