I have never tried this, but maybe you can have an itemRenderer for the
column in question, take a label component for the text, set the text
property, and then "read" the label.width property. This width you could
pass back out to the dataGrid.column and set the minWidth to that
value...  (parentDocument.dataGrid.columns(x).minWidth = ...) - just an

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Mikhail Shevchuk"
> Hi,
> When I just set a datagrid's dataprovider, I get all DataGridColumns
> the same width, and there are situations when the datafield's text
> fit into it.
> Is there any easy flexy way to set column's width automatically so
that even
> the max text of the column will fit into it?
> --
> A vivid and creative mind characterizes you.

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