As a pilot project to see if we can make the move to flex, I am trying
to convert some common widgets/screens that we use in the HTML/Ajax
world into Flex.

One widget that we have uses a standard HTML table based on
percentages (100% width, various percentage TDs) that has many "date
picker" thingies, which are made up of a text field in one TD and the
calendar icon in an adjacent TD.  In HTML it is pretty easy to specify
percentage widths for the TDs as well as the text fields, and to have
the table and all of its contents scale accordingly as the table or
window is resized.  

Is this possible -- and PRACTICAL! -- using the existing "date picker"
and grid container in Flex?

Specifically, say that when the user's window is 100% of the screen. 
Well in that case, the date picker should be 100% of its maximum
width, the width of the TD holding it (if we are using a grid), which
say is 110 pixels.  If we reduce the window to half the width, is it
possible to make all of the elements of the grid -- including the date
picker widget -- to also reduce by half, or 55 pixels for the text
field (the icon stays the same size)?

I should point out that one page in one of our web apps has 15 date
pickers on it, so doing a manual calculation of how wide to make each
datepicker seems impracticle.

Now, I do appreciate that Flex is not HTML, so if the answer is "it is
not practical for Flex Apps to have this behavior" then that is fine,
I just need a definitive answer that I cannot provide as a newbie. 
(Maybe I should not be trying to do any layout with a grid to begin with?)


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