The trick I just used for this is to set maxHeight on the 'scrolling'
container. Will allow dynamic height add, to point, before scrolls kick in.


On 3/9/07, scott_flex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Any particualar reason why a Vbox won't correctly clip content and show
scrollbars when the object is using constraint based layout positioning?

I'm adding up to 50 child objects to the vbox and want the scrollbars
to appear so the user can scroll to see them all.

If i set the height, and width everything works as expected, so i've
manually tapped into the resize event on my parent canvas and manually
set the height and width to get the effect of a constraint based
layout. Doesn't seem like i should have to do this.

If i used the top,left,right,bottom properties, my VBox just expands
its size to include all child objects added... which then forces the
scroll bars on it's parent container, not what i want.

Maybe i'm doing something wrong...


: : ) Scott

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