I have two Flex Applications: one is a Flex 1.5 App, the other a Flex
2 App.  Both want to access the same local SharedObject (lso).

SharedObject.getLocal("foo", "/")

Both Apps are running on the same domain.

When I load the Flex 1.5 App, it accesses and reads the lso correctly.  If
I then load the Flex 2 App, I get an error every time I try to access
the lso.


 message: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds. (*)
 name: RangeError (*)
 errorID: 2006 (int)


RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
  at flash.net::SharedObject$/getLocal()
  at <-- snip -->

After this error, the lso is cleared.  When the original Flex 1.5 app
tries to access it, it's empty.  The corresponding .sol file in my
"Application Data" dir is deleted.

It happens even if both apps are not running simultaneously.  As long
as the Flex 1.5 App accesses it first, the Flex 2 app can't.

The same error doesn't happen between 2 Flex 1.5 Apps or 2 Flex 2.0 Apps.

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