Well, I've seemed to have solved my problem so I'll post it here in
case anyone else runs into this.

turns out to have been a relative path issue. The datagrid liked
"source='../images/{data.indicator}'" as long as we stayed in the
initial directory but once we moved it out it blew up. So I gave it an
absolute path of comps/invoices/images and everyone is happy.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Jack OMelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a strange problem with images I am putting in a datagrid. I
> have two columns in a datagrid populated with icons. I get the image
> name from an xml file and use an itemrenderer to display the icons. In
> creating the page everything works fine, but as soon as I move the
> compiled files to another persons machine, or even a different
> directory on my own, the images don't appear. When moving the files
> I've checked to make sure the images are moved along with everything
> else.
> Here's the datagrid (for brevity I've only included the two columns):
> <mx:DataGrid x="10" y="35" width="765" height="195" rowHeight="18"
>               headerColors="[#ed8e5f, #ed8e5f]" headerHeight="20"
> borderColor="#666666" id="dgInvoiceResults"  selectedIndex="0"
> wordWrap="false" alternatingItemColors="[#dddddd,#cccccc]"
> textAlign="left" dataProvider="{invoicesXML.item}"
> creationComplete="totalGrid()">
>               <mx:columns>
>                       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="!" dataField="indicator" 
> width="30"
>                               headerRenderer="comps.cmpHeaderRenderer"
>                               itemRenderer="comps.invoices.indicator" />
>                       <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Source" 
> dataField="source" width="55"
>                               headerRenderer="comps.cmpHeaderRenderer"
>                               itemRenderer="comps.invoices.invSource"
>                               />
>               </mx:columns>
>       </mx:DataGrid>
>  and here are the two renderers:
> Indicator:
> <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>       paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="2" 
>       width="50" height="20" horizontalAlign="center" >
>       <mx:Image source="../images/{data.indicator}" width="14" height="14"
> left="5" toolTip="{data.alert}"/>
> </mx:HBox> 
> and invSource:
> <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>       paddingBottom="0" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="2" 
>       width="50" height="20" horizontalAlign="center" >
>       <mx:Image source="../images/{data.invSource}" width="14" height="14"/>
> </mx:HBox>  
> Can anyone see why the images display correctly when in the same
> directory as the source files but not when they are moved elsewhere?
> Thanks,
> Jack

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