Thanks Tom and Tracy. Sorry for the delayed response. My server is
actually not even running...and SuperMicro just said to RMA it. Blah.

I definitely want to do this, in the bigger scheme, myself, and I
think it would be a useless endeavour to be asking you guys to build
this for me...there's no enjoyment in that:) I hope that's not how I
come across...I definitely want to feel the pride I can in seeing this
thing when I finally turn the key and the lights go on...

The front end, this part anyways (gallery mechanism), is almost
completely how I want it, and the db is both on paper and in Access
pretty much ready to go (for the whole thing - galleries, rating
system, blog, image comments, user identification...I'm sure things
will pop up as I build, but the core of what at least the USER will be
considering, is built in the db). The middle is where I am having all
of my problems (excluding the one desire for an Adjacency modeled
gallery table...which I can handle perfectly painlessly if I keep it XML).

I'll keep going on what I have, and try to work one step at a time. My
biggest problem right now is that I don't at all understand Tracy's
original advice as for building the tree, the XML part and not tagging
things to a result, etc. This part of it is purely programmatic, and
abstract, so I can't wrap my head around it. But I'll get there.

The books are starting to make their way to the shelves, too, which
will help tremendously, and I went to an Adobe seminar last night
(CFUG) which showed front-to-back how to deal with a Flex/CF/SQL CRUD
CFC Remoting all the parts are there, waiting for me to

The adjacency scripting will kill me, though, that's for sure LOL.

I'm 38, I have wanted to write something beautiful since I started
POKEing colours and sounds in my VIC 20 (36969 and 36976, 36977,
36978, and white noise, 36879...I think LOL) and there's never been a
better time for that to happen than with Flex and CF making
everything, on some level, at least, approachable.


--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Tracy Spratt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shawn, I don't think starting over is necessarily the best approach.
> All apps are layers and pieces, and you can really only work on one
> thing at a time.
> So take your pick, and start with the UI first and work back towards the
> data, or start at the data and work up to the UI. 
> I personally like to build a start-to-finish prototype to establish all
> of the technologies and protocols I will be using, and then go back and
> flesh-out the layers.  If I was where you are, with a starting point UI,
> I would build the db, establish some image sources, create the middle
> tier, and get the data into flex.
> I don't think you will get much response starting out with "how do I
> build my app" level questions.  We do not know your requirements(and
> don't really want to learn them) well enough to design an app, let alone
> code it.
> You have a start, build on that.  Keep questions specific.
> Tracy
> ________________________________
> Behalf Of shawn.gibson
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:41 AM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Time to start over: XML/db>entry
> points>tree>thumbnails>main image
> I must be approaching this system completely wrong because people
> don't really be willing to offer help, which to me just says I've done
> it completely wrong as people around here are always usually helpful.
> I'm open to any suggestions as to how to get the following mockup
> (link) to work properly, anything from HTTPService and XML to Remoting
> with a CRUD CFC(s) and a MySQL or MSSQL db...I am fine moving
> everything over to a db, my only problem is I don't know how to do the
> code with Flex/CF (I guess it's the db query technically) for the tree
> as the galleries db will have to be self-referential (adjacency model)
> and my understanding is the code for such is hard to build.
> Here's what I have, if anyone can offer any suggestions, disregarding
> whatever you see now in View Source...I'm willing to start from
> scratch if someone sees a viable method with which I might be able to
> get people help me through it - I'm a photographer and design guy, not
> a coder, so this has been a bit of a nightmare for me to try and get
> working. It will be available for anyone who wants it when it's done,
> for free, if anyone is willing to help me out here:
> <> 
> The link will change when my server is back up and running, this IP is
> just 'for now'.
> Shawn

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