Lists are datadriven.  You won't call addChild on them.  You'll likely
create a custom itemRenderer and have it renderer data in a
Read up on itemRenderer and collections and look at the list examples in
the doc.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of flashcrow2000
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 3:37 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] probably noob question, about custom lists

Hello everybody,

I searched through all the posts but i couln't find anything which 
helps me so here goes:

I need to implement a list which has a custom element on each row, 
containing an icon, a label, a delete button and of course, data (not 
visible). I implemented an item object containing these elements and 
in my main application I have a list and I try adding two items via 
list.addChild(item) (item is initialized before).

The list adds the items, but they show up on top of eachother. If I 
try using addChildAt(item, 0) and addChildAt(item, 1) the items don't 
show at all.

Again, I realise this is a noob question, and probably the answer is 
right there before me, but at the moment, I don't really see it.

Thanks for your help


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