> If you are just using FDS with CF and they run in different servers > you'll 
> have to define a hostname property to tell FDS where to find CF > (I think, 
> it's in the resource config folder, check the > data-management-config.xml to 
> check the exact property). This property > must be defined in each 
> destination you'll create.
João, yes, from what I understand that's what the...
<!--  ColdFusion specific RTMP channel --><channel-definition 
id="cf-dataservice-rtmp" class="mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel"><endpoint 
uri="rtmp://{server.name}:2048" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.RTMPEndpoint"/>
<!-- ColdFusion specific HTTP channel --><channel-definition 
id="cf-polling-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel"><endpoint 
sections are for in the services-config.xml Channels definition.  Tom says to 
add them to the services-config.xml because all the standard FDS channel 
definitions are already in there... but you need to add the CF channels so FDS 
can talk to the CF server.  I've done that, my problem is that I can't seem to 
get the CF endpoints right.  What is /messagebroker/cfamfpolling and how do I 
know what port it's running on?  There's nothing in Tom's article syaing you 
need to go into CFIDE and turn anything on, so...?
> Also the messaging gateway have something similar that is the allowedIP > 
> addresses (CF servers) to connect and send messages to that destination.
Not sure if you mean the crossdomain file... I have that.  If you mean 
something else then maybe you could be more specific?  In the CFIDE there are 
checkboxes to let FDS talk to CF... those are checked.  There's also an IP 
listed in the "allow" box so CF will allow the FDS server in, so... are you 
talking about something else?
> So if you serve your FDS app from the FDS server, just let {server.name} > 
> where it was since it will resolve at runtime to server1.yourdomain.com > and 
> connect to FDS...
Yes, that's fine for the standard FDS channel definitions... but you need 
correct endpoints for the CF channels.
>  The EndPoint must target always FDS and never CF.
Yes, the FDS endpoints target FDS... but the CF endpoints must be set correctly 
for FDS to find CF... that's where I'm having a problem.  It's supposed to be 
cut n paste when the CF server is on the same box as the FDS server, but when 
it's not... then what?

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