When I send data to a web service, whether or not it sends the 
request as a GET or a POST is determined by contents of the XML that 
I happened to be sending.

For example, here's the ActionScript I used:

import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;

var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();

service.url = "http://localhost:8080/path/to/dest";;
service.method = "POST";
service.contentType = HTTPService.CONTENT_TYPE_XML;

var content:XML = <test/>; // FAILS - Sent as a GET
//var content:XML = <test></test>; // FAILS - Sent as a GET
//var content:XML = <test><hasChild/></test>; // WORKS - Sent as a 

service.send( content );

As indicated in the comments above, if I add a dummy child node to 
my root element, it makes the request a POST.  Without it, 
it sends the request as a GET. 

This is definitely repeatable on my end.  Can anyone else confirm 
this bug please?



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