Hello All,

Has there been any more headway made, regarding copying and pasting from
a Word Document to a RTE within a Flex Application, and have the ability
for the Flex App to decode all the MS Word Control Codes on the fly (and
finally, having the document show up almost identical in the RTE).

I know there are lots of different ways to render text - HTML, Rich Text
Control Codes, and then the bulky MS Word Control Codes...  This has
been the biggest challenge I think, without having some other active
control sitting in the middle, which handles all the decoding.

I think with Apollo, this will be much more realistic, since it has more
direct access to the local PC's system resources, and can potentially
use automation.

Could anybody please chime in on this thread, and indicate if there are
any new solutions out there?

Thanks in advance for all your help,


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