Hi DW,
Looks like the reference to headerAnimData.xml is an absolute path rather
than a relative path.



On 4/30/07, dexsense <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


How are all of you? Many thanks for past answers. Wel thanks God, I
have completed my first application. Now I just want to know how to
deploy it on my remote server. I try to copy the "bin" folder and run
the application but it gave me error. I also try to copy the whole
project folder to my remote server. Nothing works. It keeps giving the
following error:

Error #2148: SWF file
file:///C|/phpdev/www/healthinn/MyFirstProject.swf cannot access local
resource file:///C|/phpdev/www/healthinn/Data/headerAnimData.xml. Only
local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local

Although the error definition is too long. But I think that the above
given error is enough. If you need further information, pleae let me
know. But kindly help me with this. I badly need it.

I shall be very thankful to you.

Best Regards



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