I was under the impression that in order to use RemoteObject one does need
FDS. Given this (and another) answer and Mike’s requirement not having to
rely on FDS, I am confused now. 


Can I conclude that RemoteObject RPC can be used without FDS?  I guess I got
confused by what I read in chapter 45, “Using RPC components” of the



                          If you are using Flex Data Services, you have the
option of connecting to RPC services

directly or connecting to destinations defined in the services-config.xml
file or a file that it

includes by reference. A destination definition is a named service
configuration that provides

server-proxied access to an RPC service. A destination is the actual service
or object that you

want to call. A destination for a RemoteObject component is a Java object. A
destination for

an HTTPService component is a JSP page or another resource accessed over

destination for a WebService component is a SOAP-compliant web service.



Btw, because I was in the same situation I kind of rolled out my own
approach of POST’ing XML back and forth using HTTPService to a servlet.
Works well, but of course setting up the necessary infrastructure to keep it
all maintainable will require a bit of work. 


Also, wrt to the Mike’s setup of planning to replace JSP with Flex I can
only gently advice to rethink the architecture a bit. One should, at least I
think, use Flex to implement a bigger chunk of the application logic on the
client side (compared to what one typically does in jsp). That should result
in less (granular) requests being sent to the server and that is after all
how the rich(er) user experience can be implemented.





From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Dimitrios Gianninas
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 9:43 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] flex communication


Since you are starting off, I suggest you start small. Just build basic apps
get them to run inside JBoss/Tomcat. Once that works then use the
<mx:RemoteObject/> tag to communicate with a simple Java class and see if it
does what you except, then get more complex from that.


Dimitrios Gianninas


Optimal Payments Inc.




From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of vargomike
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 3:09 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] flex communication

Hi all... I have lots of questions so I'll first say I appreciate you
taking the time to read and potentially responding to them. I'll be
posting them separately.

We're creating a brand new application from scratch using Flex as our
front end. The back end will consist of JBoss and some relational DB.

I have lots of experience building typical web apps using JSP, Struts,
etc., but zero experience using Flex. In our app, I picture Flex as
being simply the replacement of JSP pages, i.e. the front-end.

- What's the best practice to communicate from Flex to an app server
like JBoss/Tomcat? (flex must talk to the Java world)

Unfortunately, I know that I do not want to use the Flex data services
purely for financial reasons. I have experience in Java, J2EE, EJBs,
etc. so I'm confident I can build the service that flex would talk to.

Thanks again...

- Mike



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