The low redraw speed you're seeing is not really a framerate issue (which
you'd have no real control over other than simply doing less) but an delayed
update issue. To keep window resizing from being a jerky process, Flex
basically delays resizing (or re-performing layout, actually) until there's
some kind of idle moment (even if its a momentary pause of the mouse
cursor). I've not bothered to dig into the details of the Application source
to see when it fires and doesn't fire the layout event, but that's what its
tied to, so you could probably tweak it to operate differently.

Rest assured that when things are moving/resizing *inside* your app (as
opposed to the app window resizing) things will be as jiffy quick as you
expect from Flash.


On 5/1/07, Jon Bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Hey all,

I'm brand spankin new to Flex 2 and AS3, working on a real world
project as a way to dive right on in. I'm sure I'll have tons of
questions and it looks to me like this list is quite active ... so
that's great!

My first impressions of the UI display speed are not good. I created
a canvas container, added a vbox and an hbox and set the canvas to
100% sizing and the v/h boxes to 90%.

Just viewing this in Firefox without any actual content in these
boxes, the redraw of the UI when you resize the browser window is far
from acceptable, in my opinion. The same type of layout in Flash with
my own custom components (AS2 nonetheless) redraws in, i'm guessing,
way less than a 10th of the time it takes Flex to redraw. Suffice to
say I expected far more from the AVM2 and Flex 2 redraw speed.

Is it just me that this is so slow? I'm building something that will
probably end up functioning similar to Adobe Lightroom ... so without
even getting into the nitty gritty, my first results are definitely
not appealing.

Any thoughts on the speed of the UI redraw, or suggestions on
maximizing the visual performance of a Flex 2 application?



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