On 5/3/07, qnotemedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a collection of vertically placed TextInput and TextArea boxes.
> I'm using a "resize" function that manually resizes each of the boxes'
> heights depending on the amount of text that is in each, so that
> there's never any extra space, and all of the text is always displayed.
> Since these are editable, the problem is when a user is typing in new
> text, and they go past the height of the box.  I'd like to "stretch"
> the box vertically as they are bringing in new lines.  Any way to
> detect that and re-run the resize function?  I suppose I could do it on
> change, but that seems a bit extreme doesn't it?

Yup. "change" or "textInput" is where I'd do it. You could optimise
your resize function so as not to actually resize unless required.

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