On 5/4/07, Lachlan Cotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can anybody help shed some light on an odd problem with filters? I
> want to create soft edge wipe effects. I've got a pretty good proof
> of concept that works like so:
>        target.cachePolicy = 'on'
>        mask.filters = [new BlurFilter(20,20)]
> Sure enough, that creates a nice feather on the mask. Trouble is that
> the mask now refuses to be rendered in negative space. Even though I
> can trace the mask co-ordinates and verify they are in negative
> space, the mask shape renders on screen as if it was set at 0, 0.

I've tried a few combinations of this, and I give up. Seems like the
mask just won't go into negative space if it has bitmap caching turned
on (either cacheAsBitmap=true or at least one filter applied).

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