I just can't see why I can't get the chart data to display. Looking at
examples, the XML data can be directly and easily bound to the chart.

but it still won't display. Do I need to refresh it (somehow?) because
the data won't return until onResultReturn() runs? no errors, just no
data showing.

any suggestions?

<mx:ColumnChart x="388" y="0" id="columnchart1" height="323"
width="390" dataProvider="{questionaire.question}">
        <mx:ColumnSeries yField="rating" />
        <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="question" />

the format of the XML is simple

  <question id="aaa" rating="2" />
  <question id="bbb" rating="4" />
  <question id="ccc" rating="6" />
  <question id="ddd" rating="8" />
  <question id="eee" rating="10" />

it's being retrieved with HTTPService (e4x) and can be accessed and
edited in textboxes, etc, without issue.
public function onResultReturn(event:ResultEvent):void
        questionaire = new XML(event.result);
        lastIndex = questionaire.children().length()-1;
        first(); // move to the first question to start

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