I've run into that recently. I found it went away with an aggressive
combination of cleaning the project, exiting FB, and rebuilding
everything... basically, it seems like its some kind of weird caching issue
with the debugger...

I've run into the frustrating situation where I'll add a series of
trace("hello!") statements to my code and they never show up even after the
code pointer "runs" past them... clearly a stale build file somewhere.

It usually occurs when I'm working on code that other folks check-in or when
I have to do some SVN gymnastics (like getting a previous revision, etc.).


On 5/9/07, Pan Troglodytes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  So I have version 2.0.155577 now and it solved a lot of my problems with
breakpoints jumping further down the file than they should.

However, I still run into problems where certain breakpoints getting
disabled because FB claims there is no executable code on the line.  Well,
there definitely IS.  In this one file, it happens on any breakpoints past
the 309th line of the file.  Whitespace doesn't change it, but if I compress
something like:

if (...)
  do something;
  do something else;


  if () { do something } else { do something else }

then it moves from the 309th line to a later line.  It also doesn't matter
which code is first.  I can rearrange it so that the same code that started
losing breakpoints is earlier than 309, and it will regain breakpoints.

Unfortunately, i don't have a small, reproducible example or I would send
it in.  I guess I'm just hoping some adobe folks will go "Yep, I know what
that is.  It should be fixed in the next patch."


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