Is that the entirety of the XML? What you're referring to as "nodes
that contain colons" are actually elements in a namespace. In the
<media:thumbnail> element, "media" is the namespace and "thumbnail" is
the node. What's going to cause you a real problem is if your XML
doesn't contain a namespace declaration <xmlns:media="some stuff...">
somewhere within or enclosing the element that uses it.

If you're generating this XML yourself and weren't trying to use
namespaces, then know that the colon ":" is not a valid character in
an element or attribute name--it denotes a namespace instead--and use
something else (like hyphens or camel case).

If somebody else is generating this for you and didn't put an xmlns
declaration in, first slap 'em upside the head, then take yourself to
namespaces-with-e4x school. Some introductory links:


--- In, "quinrou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having problem to retreive data from nodes that contains colon
> with the e4x format.
> If you consider the following node:
> <config>
>   <item>
>     <media:thumbnail url="http://someurl/something.png"; />
>   </item>
> </config>
> how would you then access the data contain by the url attribute?
> Many Thanks
> Seb

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