I have been using Flex for quite a while now and I've found quite a
few moderate to serious bugs, but the one that keeps slapping my face
when I approach something close to stability is this error:

RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.

This seems to occur due to ActionScript 3's lack of concurrency
support.  It would seem that if I quickly remove and add several
components to a container this shows its ugly head. What makes this
particularly scary is that the error message appears once and then any
time I try to do anything at all to the container after that it throws
the same message over and over.

I originally saw this appear in reference to popups on the
SystemManager container and created a work-around to pre-instantiate
windows and just keep them hidden until needed. It was specifically a
problem when I would use the popup manager to display a menu and the
selection of a menu option would then display a window. What ended up
happening was that the window would be created and popped up at the
same time the popup was being removed and it would get its internal
indexing off it would seem and never could you do anything to the
SystemManager container again.

Is there a way to add and remove items "safely" or is this a known bug
and one I just have to live with until Adobe gets around to fixing it?

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