Shouldn't matter. I assume that your data has gaps in it, yes? i.e.,
you've got 10 categories in your category axis, but there's no value in
your data provider for items 4 and 7, or something to that effect?


One thing worth pointing out...if I remember correctly, the lineseries
will break segments when it finds an item in its dataProvider that
doesn't plot on the chart (i.e., data missing, data out of range, etc).
If, on the other hand, the item doesn't exist at the above
example, if there wasn't an item at all for categories 4 and 7...I don't
think the line series recognizes that as missing data.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of nmunro271
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 3:00 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] LineSeries interpolateValues=false


Any idea how to get this to actually work? It insists on linking 

<mx:LineSeries dataProvider="{dp}" yField="f" xField="d" 
displayName="Flow (m3/hr)" interpolateValues="false" >
<mx:Stroke color="{FLOW_COLOR}" weight="3"/>

The x axis is a category field uisng a date as a string rather than a 
DateTimeAxis, does this matter?






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