Can you enable "show source" in the application so we can help you?


On 5/26/07, bmelendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  This has got to be a simple one. I am writing the tiny app given in
a video tutorial by Sho Kuwamoto. The tutorial is on displaying
flickr pictures in a basic tilelist control and is located here:

I have identified these KEY points:

1. An HTTPService call, of which mine looks like this:

<mx:HTTPService id="service"

2. I call the web request with a button click like so:

<mx:Button x="262" y="18" label="Find" id="button1"
click="currentState='Results'; service.send()"/>

3. Finally, the data provider for the TileList control in the
tutorial is:


However, while watching the video, as he types "services." he gets
two options, "result" and "resultFormat", however, I am only getting
an option for "resultFormat"? This is leading me to believe that
maybe the ".result" property has been removed??? And that is why my
application fails?

The end result is that I have this thing setup identical to the
tutorial but it just won't do anything on the results display. The
only thing that is different is that I went to Flickr and created my
own account and search feed at<>(This
 is exactly the
method used to create a feed in the tutorial)

I have uploaded the project bin folder here:

I'd love to see this work and it looks so easy in the video (15
minutes!) but I've spent several hours on this now to no avail.
Thanks for any help out there



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