Its a common error... anybody can get it... I dont think there is nothing
related to the webservice.

Few things you need to check with are..

1. Check is any component is being processed even before it has been
Example if you use a viewstack, you can show only one tab at a time. But you
might be trying to load a component at the other tab which is never created.
Say if you have a chart in one tab and a tree in the other and by default
the chart displays first. But when you try to load the app and you also try
to load the data to the tree it might throw the error what you get. Because
the tree component is not yet created. By default the components visible to
the eye are first loaded. To overide this aspect just use creationPolicy =
all in the viewstack.

2. The one or more of the objects used inside the file might be null and yu
still try to use to access its functions. like when a array object is null
and when you try to use the length function of the object you get this

3. To avoid the default error you can use a try catch in the functions and
have your own error alerts.

To trace the line where the bug exisits you can use a trial and error
method. But it consumes lot of time. Or use some Alerts here and there to


On 6/1/07, sarah_e_boys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  I get the following error when I deploy and access my Flex app on a web
server. Can anyone help?

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.
at samples::MyTreeItemRenderer/set data()

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