On 6/6/07, Rohan Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <mx:VideoDisplay id="videoDisplay" height="350" width="450"
> source="{video}" autoPlay="true"/>

> I have 2 issues.
> 1. the play/pause/stop buttons dont work...

Hard to say why, but maybe it's because binding is firing on the
source property and since you have autoPlay=true it's starting to play
again? Try playing with the autoPlay property and/or removing the

> 2. when the user closes the Tilewindow, the video DOES NOT unload,
> the audio still keeps playing...

When the TitleWindow is closed, handle the event, call stop() and
close() on the VideoDisplay object, and while you're at it also remove
it from the display list by calling removeChild() and release all
references to the object.

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