Hi all,

It might be a well-known that Flex has several memory issues. It doesn't
completely free the memory of the components you add runtime, when you
remove them from their containers, and when it comes to large-scale
applications, this is a huge concern. The way my co-workers found to pass by
it was to create a Javascript/Flex framework to allow Flex to load modules
in separate HTML frames and provide communication between them. So, when a
module gets out of scene, the browser frees the entire SWF. But this
approach limits the user interaction like drag-n-drop support between
modules. It's not natural.

It seems that the browser may have a great part of the blame. They realized,
for instance, that Internet Explorer releases the memory when the window is
minimized and FireFox doesn't.

I'm here to ask what else can be done regarding memory issues. And how you
professionals have dealt with it.


André Rodrigues Pena

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