I have made a custom TreeItemRenderer and overridden the set data function
to change the icon according to the data.

This is done something like this:

        override public function set data(value:Object):void
         super.data = value;
         if(value != null) {

                    var myListData:TreeListData = TreeListData(this.listData
                    if (myListData) {
                            var fileObject:Object = value;
                            var _tree:Tree = Tree(myListData.owner);
                            if(fileObject.isMovie) {
this.movieIcon );
this.movieIcon );
this.movieIcon )
Hower, in some cases I get this exception:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object
 at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/styleChanged
 at mx.controls::Tree/styleChanged
 at mx.core::UIComponent/setStyle

It's the styleChanged() method in ListBase.as which throws the error - on
this line:
var m:int = listItems[i].length;

.. so, it seems listItems[i] is null ?

Why? :-)


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