Getting answers to your questions here can indeed be hit or miss, but
you'll have much better odds if you can boil your question down to a
specific point and concisely explain whats going on. I don't even
bother reading posts that have 50 lines of code in them, its just too
hard to follow.

Another thing would be to develop a severe RSS addiction like I have.
I am subscribed to probably 60 or so Flash and Flex blogs. I also
check MXNA a few times a day. With that many potential sources of info
you're bound to stumble upon a nugget every now and then.


--- In, "Kyle Neath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Doug: Heh, I think that's part of the thing that drove me here.  One
of my
> first projects in Flex had a lot to do with DataGrid.  After sitting
> for 20 seconds while my Grid rendered, I had tons of fun reading
pretty much
> every line in DataGrid and DataGridBase.  What came out of it was that I
> didn't know what the hell was going on.  Flex code can be a great
> but I'm finding the issues I run into are not "how does it work" kind of
> problems, but rather "why does it work" kind of problems.  Problems like
> performance issues, or why a font would render in Firefox but not in
> Flash, right?).  I just keep feeling like there's some core stuff I'm
> missing that I *can't* learn by just doing.
> But, I suppose I'll just keep chugging along.  I'm just really
wishing there
> were better places for help.  This list can be hit or miss for me
(about 75%
> of my messages go unanswered).  It'd be really nice if there were some
> active forums or IRC channels.
> -Kyle

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