I'm having a bit of scrolling trouble with a rather complex layout
that involves nested item renderers. Imagine a list (of books, say),
where each item is itself a list (of page thumbnails). I only want
scrolling of the entire book list. I've implemented this with a book
item renderer that contains a page list (which in turn has a thumbnail
item renderer). The thumbnail list has its rowCount set to the number
of pages (done in a binding function). I'm also attempting to
virtualize the thumbnail list by providing a custom IList that returns

I believe I have scrollbar policies and variable row heights set
appropriately at all levels.
The behavior I'm seeing is that the top level list does not get a
scroll bar when it should. If I replace the list-based book item
renderer with a simple label, I do get the scroll bar if there are
enough books.

I realize it may be difficult to help me without code, but if anyone
has tried something similar, or knows of any known measuring bugs in
this type of scenario, please let me know. Thanks.

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