Flex Applications generally have 3 levels of events.

Those you don't care about.  You just let the flash player and flex
framework deal with these.

Those that only matter to the current view.  Just listen for and
handle these events with addEventListener at the appropriate place in
the view.

Those that matter beyond the current view.  Your event handler should
handle one of these by dispatching a cairngorm event so that it can be
handled by the appropriate command.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "stephen50232" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to learn Cairngorm and one question I have is how do you
> handle basic events in Cairngorm. What I mean by basic events is
> Alerts popping up, or opening panels as popups. Do I have to create a
> Cairngorm event for opening an Alert, then passing it to the
> Controller to pass to a Command. Seems a bit overkill just to open a
> new window or fire an Alert.
> Stephen

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