I'd like nothing more than to be proven wrong and eat crow on this, but I have changed the view handling to be more explicit, and make sure the indices are being saved from the current view before the view is switched, and then set when the next view is visible, and there is no change.

You can see the grid.selectedIndices being passed an array of indices, and afterwards still being empty. After that point the grid.selectedIndices is always empty despite your selections. I stepped through the ListBase code, but can't tell what the issue is.

V2 is here. Just set a breakpoint in Problem.mxml on line 162 to see what happens when you undo the delete.



On Oct 2, 2007, at 6:11 PM, Alex Harui wrote:

I'd have to build it and step through it which I don't have time to do right now, but I'm suspicious of having centralized selectedIndices properties that point to the tilelist or grid. Seems like it could return the wrong one when switching

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