Flex is written in actionscript. WebKit is C and or C++ and so is not a
component but something that would have to be built in in the same way that
"movieclip" is built in.

They could add a mechanism for modularly adding code to the actual flash
player. The could just as well add a mechanism for allowing AIR code to run
not just in an external app but actually inside the browser. But that would
generally raise security issues.

Perhaps the best solution here would be to separate the things in AIR that
would not raise security issues, like WebKit, and allow those to be
accessible via the player if the user has downloaded AIR. But at the moment
they have their hands full just getting AIR out the door. Perhaps that is
something that could be lobbied for for flash 11. I think the train has left
the station for flash 10.


On 10/7/07, barry.beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The only reason not to include it (and its a big one) is the fact
> that adobe
> > wants to keep the size of the player down.
> hang on, wouldn't it be seperate to the Flash player itself - just
> like all the other Flex controls - downloaded as part of the SWF?
> This caching stuff in Flex 3 (where the first hit downloads what's
> needed and subsequent ones download anything else needed) might help here.

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