A superb autoscrolling (by mouse position) component is published at:

The sample dataprovider is pulling from the Flicker API where the main
MXML component defines the DP and an itemRenderer. I need to
understand how the itemRender is gaining access to the values in the

A canvas in the main mxml calls the scroller:
<fx:Scroller id="scroller" dataProvider="{myXML}"
itemRenderer="MenuLister" width="90%" height="100%"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0" />

<fx:Scroller id="scroller"
itemRenderer="Photo" width="90%" height="100%" horizontalCenter="0"
verticalCenter="0" />

The itemRender is called for each photo returned with:
        <mx:Image id="thumb"
click="navigateToURL(new URLRequest('http://www.flickr.com/photos/'+
data.owner + '/' + data.id))" toolTip="{data.title}"
completeEffect="Fade" width="75" height="75" />

I need to change the dp to a runtime-loaded xml file.

Question is how i access the required info at the itemRender so I can
have Labels displaying the text found in one of the XMLCollection's


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