Hi Alex

Thanks for your reply.

I use a function that receives the data from httpservice, this
function set the dataprovider for the tilelist, which in turns gets
popuplated by itemrenderers. What I need is a way to measure how many
rows @ what height the data actually rendered in the tilelist.

I use the following function - which returns strange values, the
rowheight returned is only 2 - in fact it's 200.

I there an event that gets fired when it has completed rendering the
data ?

private function jsonGetPages(event:ResultEvent):void
                                var rawData:String = String(event.result);
                                var arr:Array = (JSON.decode(rawData) as Array);
                                var dp:ArrayCollection = new 
                                //projectPages = dp;
                                var fileid:int = dp[0].fileid;
                                var curTab:TabNavigator = 
                                var curTile:TileList = 
                                curTile.dataProvider = dp;
                                curTab.height = curTile.rowHeight * 
                                trace( 'rowHeight:'+ curTile.rowHeight );

Again - thanks alot for your reply.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> updateComplete fires every time it redraws.  The dataprovider fires
> collectionChange when it changes

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