Michael -

The edited data is passed to you via the itemEditEnd event.... do something like itemEditEnd="handleItemEditEnd" on your data grid definition. By default the editors will put the edited data back into the datafield (from the column definition) of the objects in your data provider. But, you can override that by handling the itemEditEnd and doing event.preventDefault()... and doing whatever you want with the results. Since you want to loop over the data when the user is done, though, you may just want to let it put the data into the dataProvider objects and then loop over those... for each(var myObj:Object in grid.dataProvider){//get your data}

On the itemRenderer... what you want to do is dispatch an event. I typically use custom event classes that extend Event so I can define whatever attributes I want the handler to get and store them in the event. When you construct the event set it to bubbles = true. Then attach your event listener to the grid itself myGrid.addEventListener("myRendererEventType", handleMyRendererEvent). Your handler will get called when your renderer dispatches the "myRendererEventType" event.


Scott Melby
Founder, Fast Lane Software LLC

Michael Azar wrote:

(DOESNT WORK--can you fix it for me.)
i assume its something like that.

I have a simple question. All I want to do is loop through I data grid
to get the data out. not the data from the data provider but the actual
data (once edited) directly from the DG.
I assume it is similar to looping through an array but it's taking me
too long to figure it out.

and also how can i get this to work while using a check box item render
ie. how can i get the data out of a custom item renderer?

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