Hey, I am working on Comparing the Date, the following code does work
with declare :*, however I would like to declare to :Date, but it
doesn't work.

Does anybody know how to declare for dDays and fully handle this? Thanks

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";

         private var Date1:*
         //private var Date1:Date
         private var Date2:*
         //private var Date2:Date

         private function init():void{

             // get current year, make date using that with December
(month=11), day 15
             Date1 = new Date(2007, 10, 10);

             // get current date.
             Date2 = new Date();

             // convert difference in milliseconds to days
             var dDays:* = Math.floor((Date2 - Date1)/86400000);




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