I can say that most of the performance issues I have seen from DataGrid have come from 2 places.

1) Heavy renderers: This is by far the worse of the two issues. If you are using things like HBox, VBox, etc. in your renderers the grid will render slowly. 2) Inefficient data provider. This is less critical but can make a difference. The issue is that the grid rendering has to call your accessor methods a lot. So... if you're accessing e4x XML for instance the accessor methods will have to parse out the data each time they are called. For this reason I prefer to parse my data into ActionScript objects and then put those in my grid data provider. But, I would look at your renderers first. This is usually the issue.

I have never used SharedObject data in my data provider... so I can't say if that is part of your issue. But, should be easy to test by getting the data from the SharedObject once (creationComplete perhaps) and putting it in a local object then setting the local object as your grid provider.


Scott Melby
Founder, Fast Lane Software LLC

jitendra jain wrote:

Hi guys,

I have 200 rows and 32 columns on datagrid. I have changed my dataProvider on the basis of IndexChangedEvent . I get this data from shared object(Local). Is this a performance issue with dataGrid or SharedObject?

I even tried to put this data into memory. Even thought it is taking the same time.

Let me know ur views.


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