Hi - I am working on a file upload process that needs to meet the
following requirements:

1) User selects file they wish to upload
2) Application needs to put a preview of the data to be uploaded on
the web page
3) User can then choose which rows they wish to upload from their
uploaded file
4) The chosen rows are then displayed in a datagrid and data can be
entered under column headers
5) The information in the datagrid is now uploaded to our server and
updated in our database

This process is currently done using Applets so most of the work is
done on the client side.  Now with the new Flex application our
company would like to use, it seems most of this work will be on our

I am worried about the time this is all going to take if the max
uploaded rows is met (of 10,000).  Can anyone recommend a way to
efficiently accomplish this task?  Is there a way to possibly stream
the data into the flex application?  Any examples and advice is

The only way I can think of this working is uploading their file right
away to our server and somehow streaming it back into the flex
application to both preview, manipulate and send back to our server
again for the final update of the database.  However, I am also
struggling with how I can grab the information that was uploaded out
of the HTTP response??  Could someone please shed some light for me :)

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