Hi everyone,

I've done my thorough 5 days of documentation research, trial and
error, and forum perusing on this subject, but have come to you as a
frustrated, nearly broken developer.  My printdatagrid will not print
correctly, no matter what I try.  I am getting rows cut off at the end
of pages and extra empty rows added at the end of the printdatagrid.

I have followed the sample code for the printdatagrid, using the
validatenow and validnextpage methods, i've created my printdatagrid
dynamically in actionscript and in mxml, I've tried adding extra line
breaks to my data in an effort to force full rows...but nothing seems
to work.

I believe the culprit to be the variablerowheight attribute of my
printdatagrid which seems to be throwing off the printing.  

Has anyone figured out a way to print to a printdatagrid effectively???

Thanks in advance.


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