yourName wrote:
> dear all i have created a sample flex apllication and try to access it 
> from mozila  my operating system is *linux 3 with flash player 
> * release i386.rpm. the problem is url is accessed but the 
> page is blank. plz help me out . {I also tried to acces sample flex 
> application form adobe web site but the problem is same url accessed 
> but page is blank}
> Thanks in advaance

This is most likely related to the Flesh Detection in the .html wrapper 
for the Flex .swf file.  Try replacing the .html in the url with .swf 
and see if that loads the app.

I've had some issues testing Flex applications on Linux.  Specifically, 
Express Installer doesn't work because it's not supported on the Linux 
Platform.  The Linux Flash Detection seems to be spotty in generally.  
It seems to work best on Linux if you change the Flex Compiler options 
to generate an html wrapper without the detection code in it.


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