
    I posted an answer this morning but I dont see it so let me try again
(first time posting :)

All you need to do is extend  mx.preloader.Download progressbar then
override the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE ....you can then control when your
preloader will end ...see here  (sorry ...I am paraphrasing my code dont
have it with me but you will get the idea)

public class Preloader extends DownloadProgressBar {

         public var splash:SplashScreen;

         public function CustomPreloader()
             splash = new splashScreen();
             this.addChild(splash) ;

         override public function set preloader( preloader:Sprite ):void
             preloader.addEventListener( FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE ,
FlexInitComplete );

         private function FlexInitComplete( event:Event ):void
          splash.comp= true;   // When this is true I know that the swf 
has finished downloading
             dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.COMPLETE ) );


so over riding and binding a var to true I can use another event (like a
database query result event to call another function inside of my splash
sprite .as file to remove itself like this:

   public function startupComplete( event:ResultEvent):void

    if( this.comp) closeSplash() ;


   public function closeSplash( ):void
    if( this.alpha > 0){
     this.alpha = this.alpha - fadeOutRate;

if this sounds like what you want I can send you all my code to do this

Rudmonster :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "hannes.stockner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I have a possible solution:
> CustomPreloader:
> private function onFlexInitComplete(event:Event):void
> {
> //now we can access the Application.application
> Application.application.addEventListener(AppReadyEvent.READY,
> onAppReadyEvent);
> }
> private function onAppReadyEvent(event:AppReadyEvent):void
> {
> dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
> }
> Application:
> //dispatch AppReadyEvent if you want remove the preloader
> Application.application.dispatchEvent(new
> AppReadyEvent(AppReadyEvent.READY));
> What do you think about it?
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "dave_defusion" david.spurr@
> wrote:
> >
> > I'm just trying to do the same thing for our app today and there
> > be a way, surely it's quite a common requirement. All I want to do
> > load the runtime styles & a quick check to the backend, but the
> > loading the styles is the most important thing.
> >

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