I have had a similar (not compiler-related) problem on Vista which had me
just as puzzled:

Details here:

But the basic result was that the problem was all to do with Vista's user
control; shadow-copying files unexpectedly.

If you're on Vista, it might be something to do with that.

If not - no idea, I'm afraid!


On Dec 15, 2007 8:58 AM, Giles Roadnight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I've been working on a project at home for a few weeks now. I made
> quite a bit of progress last weekend and committed it all to CVS.
> Last night I went back to it to do some more work. There was a slight
> problem that an alert box had "Login Error" as a title rather than
> "Error" so I fixed that in the code and compiled the project.
> It still said "Login Error".
> I put some break points and traces in to make sure that I was looking
> at the correct bit of code. The break points fired but no traces
> appeared and the old variable value ("Login Error") was still there
> ven though I'd changed the code.
> Very Odd.
> I then cleaned the project, no difference. Checked out a fresh copy of
> the project, no difference. Tried it on a different computer, same thing.
> I then started removing bits of the project, I deleted module files,
> removed code that popped up the login dialogue, removed a component
> and the custom preloader. All I should get now is an empty panel with
> test as the title.
> I cleaned the project, made sure all the files in the output directory
> were gone and compiled - I STILL got the whole project as it had been
> to begin with.
> I tried lots of combinations of moving the build folder, cleaning ect
> and nothing worked.
> Has anyone ever had anyhtign like this? It really does seem impossible
> to me - I had deleted all the code and the compiled swfs. I have no
> idea where the swf were being generated from.
> This morning I have finally managed to fix it. I deleted everything
> except the default MXML file and everythgin within that except for the
> bare minimum. I then gradually added the assets back in and I now have
> it all working again (and it says "Error" rather than "Login Error").
> I have no idea what happened. It would be good to hear that I'm not
> goign mad.
> Thanks
> Giles

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