
I have a simple cfc, the function is like this,it get a department 

<cffunction name="getDept" displayname="getDept" access="remote" 
output="false" returntype="query">
        <cfquery name="getDepartment" datasource="bursary">
                         SELECT Id, Dept 
                         FROM tlkpDept
         <cfreturn getDepartment />

2.This is the modellocator .I want to save department list to the 
acDept (ArrayCollection)

public class  BursaryModel implements IModelLocator {
                private static var instance:CESFBursaryModel;
            public var acDept : ArrayCollection;

3.This is the Delegate function. this  builds a flex function getDept

             public function getDept():void {
                        var call:Object = this.service.getDept();
4.This is part of the command class 

public function result( event:Object ):void {
                         modelLocator.acDept = event.result;
5 the view page, bind the 

                private var modelLocator:BursaryModel = 
                <mx:ComboBox x="440" y="268" width="142"  
dataProvider="{modelLocator.acDept}" /> 

my error is I get a list and it looks like.

[object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]

 but I want to show the dapartment list,Please help me and give me a 
hit how to fix this.
 I do not know what the event.result is command class and how to 
convert is to a real department list.
 Thanks for your help

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